[Arcane Knowledge ]

[Coven Priest/ess · Inactive Covens]

Creation of Covens

Covens are a gathering of people with similar interests. Most religions have "Covens" or a form of "Coven". Most religions categories covens with members. Most groups are promoted to the category "Coven" when a certain number has been reached with its' members. Now in order to even be considered a Priest/ess, you must be literate, which means, you must be able to spell, have proper grammar, and know where and where not to put "Coven" at. Most groups or "covens", think it's necessary to place "Coven" or "Group" after the title of their "Coven" or "Group" (Ex: Mystic Ram Coven). If I see that you coven will not be considered. Now, our rules that will apply after the procedure, in these rules you will find, we do not accept childish behaviors, so please obey these rules;

  1. You must have been a member of this site for 1 week.
  2. You must have contributed some knowledge into the Forums.
  3. You must have impressed the Administrator/Moderators
  4. Your account must not have been banned/warned at all.
  5. You must not have tried to create a coven and have failed.
  6. You must be at a decent age before applying to become a Priest/ess.
  7. You must not have any previous covens.

Those are the current condition to creating a site.

Maintaining Your Coven

  1. You must be active within your coven.
  2. Your coven must have at least 5 members before a 6 week period.
  3. Your coven must be appropriate and contain appropriate material.
  4. Your coven must report any member that is seriously breaking the rules.
  5. Your account can't have been warned while being Priest/ess.

These are our current conditions for Maintaining your Coven.

Losing Your Coven

  1. Lying about your coven.
  2. Inactive accounts.
  3. Advertising hate, discrimination, or anything that is against the law.
  4. Being warned/banned.
  5. Breaking the Rules of the site/Rules of the Coven Creation.

These are our current condition for Losing your Coven!